Young Adults

Ministries for Millenials

Today’s young adults are a part of the Millennial Generation, those born between 1982 and 1995.  IBCB  offers a number of ministries to participate in to meet the needs of this  life-stage  group. These being the Wednesday Bible Study Group, the Worship Team and for the ladies the two Women's Bible Study Groups and for the guys the Men's Group is also looking to be there for you. 

Sunday Afternoon Bible Study

If you’re 18 to 30ish and would like to join a vibrant group of young adults studying the Bible, please join us in person or online! 

We meet at 4:00 pm each Sunday to share a light snack and enjoy fellowship and study the Bible. The format varies, but we look into God’s Word and see how it applies to our everyday lives. Interaction is encouraged. We usually finish with a prayer time: sharing concerns and victories and praying for each other.  

Contact James @


Updated June 20, 2021