Women's Ministry

Women in Christ in Budpaest

IBCB Women’s Ministry exists to support women as we live in Budapest as either working professionals, homeschool moms, missionaries, or stay at home wives - expatriate or national. We are here to encourage you in reaching your friends and family for Christ, building your faith, and equipping you to serve our Lord.

Bible Study Group

Currently we have a weekly Bible study in which we fellowship and dig deep into God’s Word to understand what He has to say to us.  You are welcome to join us at any time!

We are a very international group of women of all ages and backgrounds -  new and not so new to Budapest - and would love to connect with you!


Wednesdays: : 6 pm  -  please write for venue and check the news tab each week. 

Email ibcbudapest@gmail.com for more information.

Updated Aug 27 2020

Connected in Christ

Monthly Breakfast Events

The IBCB women's ministry Connected in Christ, designs a monthly breakfast event to encourage women of all ages to connect with Christ and others.  There will be a theme, a guest speaker, and a wonderful breakfast provided by the women of the church.  It is normally held on the final Saturday of the month – a special gathering to invite your friends!

Outreach Events

Connected in Christ cares about the women in our church as well as the larger community to which God has called us here in Hungary.  As this ministry relaunches, we’re looking forward to involving ourselves in serving the wider community in Budapest, as the Lord leads

Check the News Tab or Calendar for dates.

Updated Aug 27 2020