UPDATE 1 - March 13: IBCB Updates for March 14 – March 22, 2020

Dear Folks,

We know the Lord’s work will continue in the midst of these times. In fact, we know that difficult times cause many people to turn to God.  It is a good season for us to remember the words of Peter:

“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…”  1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)

As we are diligent with our health concerns, may we be equally diligent to show compassion and the Good News of Christ to others during these days.

Please join us as we:

Watch and Pray

  • While our normal worship services are cancelled this Sunday, March 15, please pause at 10:30am on Sunday and pray for the Lord’s help, guidance, healing, and mercy.
  • Suggestion for Sunday, March 15: Take 5 minutes to read Matthew 6:1-34.  Take 10 minutes to focus and reflect on Matthew 6:11 (ESV), “Give us this day our daily bread.” Take 5 minutes to pray for God’s guidance as you apply these verses to your life.
  • You Tube videos for sermons shared at IBCB's YouTube Channel
  • Audio files for sermons shared at IBCB: https://ibcbudapest.org/learn
  • Sunday, March 22, we will offer an online opportunity to connect in worship.  We will share more details in the upcoming week.

Call and Connect Safely

  • While following the prudent advice of health officials to avoid large crowds, as you find it safe to do so, keep connecting with friends, family, and colleagues.  Whether that means “virtually” or “in person,” as it is safe for you to do so, in your unique situation and stage of life, remember to keep reaching out to others.  Don’t allow physical isolation to unduly hinder spiritual and emotional connections.
  • Proactively call someone each day.  Let them hear your voice and listen to their concerns. Connecting for a brief phone call makes a big difference. 

Calendar Notes:

Saturday, March 14: Monthly Men’s Breakfast at Pastor Ed’s home is proceeding as normal.


Sunday, March 15: Worship service cancelled:  please Pause and Pray at 10:30am.

Tuesday, March 17: Business Professionals Meeting postponed until April.


Wednesday, March 18: Women’s Bible Study on Gideon proceeding as normal.


Sunday, March 22: Online Worship Service Provided.  More details to come.

Keep informed: Check IBCB’s website https://ibcbudapest.org  or https://ibcbudapest.org/news for updates of events and announcements.

Also  https://koronavirus.gov.hu/ provides the latest from the Hungarian Government. On the Hungarian page you will see En in the upper banner. Push that button to switch to English language.

Tell others:  Since not everyone is signed up on our email list please tell fellow churchgoers about the changes taking place during this time.



Pastor Ed